How Can We Enhance Sensory Perception In Intimate Environment To Enrich People’s Behaviour.

Contents List : Abstract: p.3 Introduction: p.4 1.Chapter one: p. 5 - 7 2.Chapter two: 2.)People Habitats: p. 8 - 11 2.) Off Tangible Grid: p. 11 - 13 3.)Chapter three: p. 14 - 15 Conclusion: p.16 Bibiliography: p.17 Figure list: p.18 Appendices 19 - 20 Abstract Definitions of Terms. Intimate environment - a spaceContinue reading "How Can We Enhance Sensory Perception In Intimate Environment To Enrich People’s Behaviour."

How do embodied multisensory experiences in domestic spaces are influenced by childhood home memories and objects?

This topic would analyse how human spatial experiences are affected by early and late childhood memories, objects in space or recollection of them. Also how sensory and emotional intelligence can change our experiences in intimate spaces. Memory and space is deeply connected. Growing up home is our solitude, intimate space where child is developing aContinue reading "How do embodied multisensory experiences in domestic spaces are influenced by childhood home memories and objects?"

How does the design of Architectural and interior space shapes our comprehension of private space?

We as a race Are inhabiting spaces since the very first need for security and solitude occurred. Private space is essential for humans to develop a healthy relationship with oneself and others however how does human imprint of architectural and spatial design can shape our cultural and private view of domestic space? Conversely, how doesContinue reading "How does the design of Architectural and interior space shapes our comprehension of private space?"

Spare parts @ science gallery

This exhibition takes part in science gallery of London, I was very thrilled to find this exhibition happening in here. In my experience, the best art and the best science is then when combined together. And to be honest, I find this approach to be more and more artistic as time pass. Maybe it's becauseContinue reading "Spare parts @ science gallery"

Objects Relationships./@lecture

Humans are always seeing for some kind of relationship with other fellow humans, but in this case i want to talk about  relationship between humans and objects around them. What ethical reasons are behind product design process is very interesting topic. However people are not likely to question that, they just normally use the productContinue reading "Objects Relationships./@lecture"

Invisible landscapes/Real virtuality@RA

Exhibition which is celebrating the future and not making it look like a futuristic nightmare" In Royal academy of arts new architecture program there is new exhibition Invisible landscapes. "The RA has invited practice based researchers to present new york through three interconnected acts which span from from the home to the city and exploreContinue reading "Invisible landscapes/Real virtuality@RA"

Skeuomorph by Pedro Moreira. @peckham picnic gallery

''What would change if we knew we could live forever? Skeuomorph is a new video installation that imagines a world in which humans have evolved to become immortal in a virtual world. Each video presents the thought patterns of the four characters which Pedro calls Tripplesapiens, as they attempt to make sense of their own ethicalContinue reading "Skeuomorph by Pedro Moreira. @peckham picnic gallery"

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